For the past week I have been trying to replace the loo in my bathroom. Mr. right-hand nut/bolt was easy - bo problemo. On the other hand, Mr. left-hand bokt was a pain in my ass. I could only get it to go so far then stuck...stuck...stuck it was. And the bolt kept moving round and round so I finally came up with a new use for a dandelion digger - I used it to hole the bolt still and then I could rachet (is this a word?) the stupid nut off the bolt. It worked and what you see here is the hole in the floor where my leaky toilet used to be.
Your unexpected confessional outing of an unrevealed talent has to result in an outpouring of home stay invitations. What an addition to your resume!! Well done!!! Shall keep plumbers away well before your next trip downunder cos you're the one!!