Friday, August 20, 2010

We are family....

Here is a recent picture of me and my brothers.  From left to right - Robert (the baby - Bob), James (Jim), me, and the oldest of the clan, George (we call him Don).  I just realized that we are in order of birth with Don being the oldest, then me, Jim, and finally Bob.  We are second generation Americans with roots from Greece, Norway, and Yugoslavia.  I have great memories of a fantastic childhood - starting in Connecticut.  In 1955 Schick (remember them?) moved their plant to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and since my father worked for Schick, we, too, moved to this area.  I think I will sometimes use this blog to chart events in my life.  If anyone ever reads this, I hope you will enjoy reading my ramblings as much as I enjoy writing them.

1 comment:

  1. I find your "ramblings" very you just ramble on...!!!
